omni biyotik sr 9 için ürünler (2)

Omron Ürünleri - Endüstriyel Tesisler için Omron Ürünleri

Omron Ürünleri - Endüstriyel Tesisler için Omron Ürünleri

Tedarik ettiğimiz Omron ürünleri; Na5-12W101B-V1 Omron Dokunmatik Ekran HMI Nx102-9020 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modüler CPU Nx102-1200 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modüler CPU Nx102-1100 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modüler CPU Cj2H-Cpu65-Eip Omron Ethernet/IP Portu ile Entegre CPU Nj301-1100 Omron Sysmac Nj3 CPU Nx1021000 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modüler CPU
Unico Zinc Bor - Mixture of Micro Plant Nutrients

Unico Zinc Bor - Mixture of Micro Plant Nutrients

Unico Zinc Bor is a mixture of trace elements chelated with organic acids. Since it is organically chelated, it is quickly absorbed by the plant and acts quickly. This is %100 water Soluble. It is applied to plants during the flowering period. It is very effective on the number of flowers and bloom. It is used to eliminate Boron and Zinc deficiency in plants.